HydraTite® Case Study
City of HoustonMARKET
City of Houston / Contractor – Resicom
Find an economical and efficient way to eliminate the separation of joints in a water main. The water main was located in Houston’s museum district surrounded by 100 year old trees which the city did not want to disrupt.
The HydraTite® Internal Pipe Seal was selected to seal the separation within the pipes, as a proven method to eliminate infiltration.
The project consisted of 708 pipe joints that required sealing. The seals also was required to meet the expected head pressure of a 100 year flood. HydraTech solved this problem with the standard seal system with a middle band to reinforce the joint seal in the case of such an event.
This trenchless repair was completed in 2 days with no digging, very little water disturbance, and eliminated further infiltration and prevented ground shifting.